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European Union[edit]
EU 28[edit]
Not yet determined[edit]
Proposed second Scottish independence referendum
29 March 2017[edit]
UK government invokes Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union (the formal procedure for withdrawing)
23 June 2016[edit]
United Kingdom European Union membership referendum
7 April 2016[edit]
Dutch Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement referendum
15 February 2016[edit]
Bosnia and Herzegovina applied for membership of the EU.
- Main maps
- Maps with the timestamp "EU28"
5 July 2015[edit]
As a result of the referendum, the bailout conditions were rejected by a majority of over 61% to 39% approving.
The "No" vote (OXI in Greek) has won in all the regions of Greece.
12 March 2015[edit]
Iceland withdraws the application for membership
1 January 2015[edit]
Lithuania adopts the euro („Euras“).
- Main maps
18 September 2014[edit]
1st Scottish independence referendum
28 June 2014[edit]
The European Council accepts Serbia's application.
- no historical maps (maps have been updated)
Late February 2014[edit]
Russian special forces and pro-Russian militias occupy the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine.
1 January 2014[edit]
Latvia adopts the euro („Eiro“).
- Maps with timestamp
1 July 2013[edit]
Croatia becomes the 28th member of the European Union.
- Maps with timestamp
See also: fr:Projet:Union européenne/Entrée de la Croatie
EU 27[edit]
2 March 2012[edit]
The European Council accepts Serbia's application.
30 January 2012[edit]
European Fiscal Compact: The draft intergovernmental treaty is finalised. (The treaty was signed on 2 March.)
1 January 2011[edit]
17 December 2010[edit]
The European Council accepts Montenegro's application.
22 December 2009[edit]
Serbia officially applied for membership.
17 July 2009[edit]
Iceland officially applied for membership.
7 May 2009[edit]
Founding summit of the Eastern Partnership in Prague.
28 April 2009[edit]
Albania officially applied for membership.
1 January 2009[edit]
15 December 2008[edit]
Montenegro officially applied for membership.
13 July 2008[edit]
Founding summit of the Union for the Mediterranean in Paris.
17 February 2008[edit]
The Assembly of Kosovo declared Kosovo's independence.
11 May 2007[edit]
The Republic of Montenegro joined the Council of Europe as its 47th member.
1 January 2007[edit]
Romania and Bulgaria became the EU's newest members (Treaty of Accession 2005).
EU 25[edit]
May and June 2005[edit]
French (29 May) and Dutch (1 June) Referendum on the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe.
1 May 2004[edit]
The 2004 enlargement of the European Union with ten new members was the largest single expansion in the EU history. The simultaneous accessions concerned the following countries: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. Seven of these were members of the former eastern bloc, with one from the former Yugoslavia (Slovenia) and the remaining two being Mediterranean islands (Malta and Cyprus).
EU 15[edit]
1 January 1999[edit]
The euro was introduced to world financial markets as an accounting currency, replacing the former European Currency Unit (ECU) at a ratio of 1:1. Euro coins and banknotes entered circulation on 1 January 2002.
Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion-1999.svg
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) (TO DO)
1 January 1996[edit]
Turkey becomes part of the European Union Customs Union (EUCU).
1 January 1995[edit]
Austria, Sweden and Finland left the EFTA and acceded to the EU marking its fourth enlargement. (The Norwegian government lost a second national referendum on membership.)
EU 12[edit]
1 November 1993[edit]
The Maastricht Treaty entered into force.
7 February 1992[edit]
The Maastricht Treaty (formally, the Treaty on European Union) was signed in Maastricht, the Netherlands after final negotiations on 9 December 1991 between the members of the European Community. It created the European Union and led to the establishing of the euro.
European Community[edit]
EC 12[edit]
3 October 1990[edit]
German reunification. The five re-established states of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) joined the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany), and Berlin was united into a single city-state.
9 November 1989[edit]
East German government announced on 9 November 1989, after several weeks of civil unrest, that all GDR citizens could visit West Germany and West Berlin. The fall of the Berlin Wall paved the way for German reunification, which was formally concluded on 3 October 1990.
1 Januar 1986[edit]
Spain and Portugal enter the European Community. (1985 Greenland left the EC but remains associated with it as overseas territory.)
EC 10[edit]
1 Januar 1981[edit]
Greece enters the European Community.
EC 9[edit]
1 Januar 1973[edit]
Denmark (inc. Greenland), Ireland and United Kingdom enter the European Community.
EC 6[edit]
1 January 1958[edit]
The Treaty of Rome became effective.
25 March 1957[edit]
The Treaty of Rome established the European Community (EC). There were actually two treaties. The first established the “European Economic Community” (EEC) and the second established the “European Atomic Energy Community” (EAEC or Euratom). Both treaties were signed by The Six: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany.
Europe / Europa[edit]
Council of Europe / Europarat / Conseil de l'Europe
Subregions of Europe
(World Factbook) -
Subregions of Europe
(UN geoschme) -
Mitgliedschaften in europäischen Organisationen - DE (clickable diagram)
Audio files / Tondokumente[edit]
Pronunciation / Aussprache[edit]
Pronunciation of Van Rompuy's name in Dutch
Color scheme / Farbschema[edit]
Main colors[edit]
- Europe blue / Europablau / azul europeo / bleu européenne (Pantone; RGB 003399): EU current members
- Pantone yellow / Gelb / amarillo / jaune (Pantone; RGB ffcc00): EU new members
- Light blue / Lichtblau / azul claro / bleu clair (RGB 2782bb): EU candidate countries
- Light green / Lichtgrün / verde claro / vert clair (RGB 77bbbc): EU potential candidate countries
- Lawngreen / Grasgrün / verde hierba / vert pré (RGB a0e200): EU membership possible
- Orange / Orange / anaranjado / orange (RGB ff6600): Eastern Partnership
- Emerald green / Smaragdgrün / verde esmeralda / smaragdin (RAL 6001; RGB 276d3a): EFTA member states
- Pastel green / Weißgrün / verde blanquecino / vert blanc (RAL 6019; RGB b3d9b4): EFTA former member states
- Honey yellow / Honiggelb / de color miel / jaune miel (RAL 1006; RGB c89601): Union for the Mediterranean
- Gamboge / Gummigutta (RGB ef9b0f): Formally submitted membership application to EU
- Ocher brown / Ockerbraun / marrón / marron (RGB 957101): Accession rejected in a referendum
- Red brown / Rotbraun (RGB 953e20): Application for membership frozen or withdrawn
- Dark brown / Schwarzbraun (RGB 553a26): Application rejected by EC/EU
- Red (Soviet flag, 1923-1980) / Rot / rojo / rouge (RGB bc0000): Soviet Union
- Red (Soviet flag, 1980-1991) / Rot / rojo / rouge (RGB cc0000): Soviet Union
- Light red / Hellrot / rojo claro / rouge clair (RGB ff0000): Satellite states
- Pink / Rosa / rosa / rose (RGB ffaaaa): Soviet influence
- Lilas / Lila / lila / lilas (RGB afafe9): Western influence
Subpages / Unterseiten[edit]
- User:Kolja21/Maps of Europe
- User:Kolja21/Maps of the European Union
- User:Kolja21/Maps of the European Union enlargement
- User:Kolja21/Maps of the Eurozone
- User:Kolja21/EFTA
- User:Kolja21/Location State EU Europe (by User:NuclearVacuum)
- User:Kolja21/Color scheme
Displaying subcategories[edit]
To do[edit]
- Maps merged up by other users:
- File:EU28-2013-Eastern_Partnership.svg → File:EU-Eastern Partnership.svg
Done (restored)
- File:Eurozone_map-2014.svg → File:Eurozone main map.svg
Done (restored)
- File:EU28-2013-Eastern_Partnership.svg → File:EU-Eastern Partnership.svg